Abstract image of an open source network

Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)

Welcome to POSE

Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) is a U.S. National Science Foundation program that harnesses the power of distributed open-source development to address challenges of national, societal and economic importance.

The POSE program aims to further the development of open-source products or infrastructure and foster expansion of the community of open-source users and developers to engender long-term project sustainability. It supports the establishment of managing organizations that will create opportunities and provide capabilities for their open-source ecosystems.

POSE program goals are to:

Sustainable Ecosystem


Ensure the efficient transition of open-source products into impactful and sustainable open-source ecosystems.

Open-Source Product


Ensure that security, privacy, continuous integration and efficient supply chain best practices are built into open-source ecosystems from the outset.

Community Building


Ensure that open-source ecosystems engage their developer communities in an inclusive, equitable and open manner.

Decorative Graphic showing progress

Catalyzing the creation of open-source ecosystems

The POSE program funds managing organizations to catalyze the creation and growth of open-source ecosystems based on an existing mature open-source product.

POSE-funded managing organizations will be responsible for a range of activities, including:

  • Building and maintaining a distributed community of external contributors who will actively participate in the ongoing development of the open-source product.
  • Building an open-source infrastructure to ensure the safe, secure and reliable delivery of the open-source product to users.
  • Understanding the requirements of the end-user ecosystems within which the open-source product will be deployed and ensuring these requirements inform the activities of the developer community.
  • Establishing a legal and governance framework for the open-source ecosystem.
  • Ensuring long-term sustainability of the open-source ecosystem.
Infographic showing the open-source ecosystem where a POSE managing organization, who receives funding from POSE, fosters an ecosystem of Intellectual Content Developers and their End Users and Open-Source Ecosystem Drivers.

This graphic shows the structure of a typical open-source ecosystem as envisioned under the POSE program. In this ecosystem, a community of developers, shown on the left, makes ongoing contributions to a mature open-source product. These contributions are coordinated by a managing organization, shown in the center, that is charged with ensuring the open-source product is focused on addressing a specific, societally important need and establishing relationships with end-user communities across the research enterprise, industry, and government, shown on the right in this figure. POSE awards fund activities associated with the managing organization.