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56 results for ""
Award type
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Standard Grant

Human Networks and Data Science (HNDS) | NSF 23-568

Supports research that studies the behavior of individuals and groups by leveraging data and network science and the development of data infrastructure that makes such work possible.

Full Proposal Deadline:
July 11, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Law & Science (LS) | PD 21-128Y

Supports social scientific studies of the connections between law and law-like systems of rules, law and human behavior, as well as studies of how science and technology are applied in legal contexts.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 1, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Science and Technology Studies (STS) | NSF 22-629

Supports historical, philosophical and social scientific studies of the intellectual, material and social aspects of STEM — including ethics, equity, governance and policy issues relating to scientific theory and practice.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 5, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Security and Preparedness (SAP) | PD 19-118Y

Supports research and research infrastructure on issues broadly related to global and national security, including international conflict and dispute resolution, domestic political instability and civil war, and the security implications of climate change.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Accountable Institutions and Behavior (AIB) | PD 19-120Y

Supports theoretically motivated research on governance-related attitudes, behavior and institutions in democratic and non-democratic settings, in areas such as preference formation and expression, voting and elections, and decision making and public policy.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 15, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Continuing Grant

General Social Survey Competition | NSF 24-537

The General Social Survey (GSS) is a nationally representative interview survey of the United States adult population that collects data on a wide range of topics: behavioral items such as group membership and participation; personal psychological evaluations including measures of...
Full Proposal Deadline:
August 15, 2024
  • Letter of intent required
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant

Decision, Risk and Management Sciences - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grants (DRMS-DDRIG) | NSF 23-618

Supports doctoral dissertation research that increases understanding of how individuals, organizations and societies make decisions. Areas include judgment, decision analysis, risk communication, public policy decision making and management science.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 19, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines

Decision, Risk and Management Sciences (DRMS) | PD 23-1321

Supports research that increases understanding of how individuals, organizations and societies make decisions. Areas include judgment, decision analysis and aids, risk analysis and communication, public policy decision making and management science.

Full Proposal Target Date
August 19, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Economics | PD 23-1320

The Economics program supports research designed to improve the understanding of the processes and institutions of the U.S. economy and of the world system of which it is a part. This program also strengthens both empirical and theoretical economic analysis...
Full Proposal Target Date
August 19, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Methodology, Measurement, and Statistics (MMS) | NSF 19-575

Supports the development of analytical and statistical methods and models with potential utility in multiple fields of the social, behavioral and economic sciences.

Full Proposal Deadline:
August 29, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Science of Organizations (SoO) | PD 11-8031

Supports research to advance theory on the design and management of organizations; the behavior and well-being of individuals within organizations; and the relationships between people, organizations and systems.

Full Proposal Target Date
September 3, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

A Science of Science Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise (SoS:BIO) | NSF 23-569

Supports the development of theories, models, analytical tools, data and metrics that can inform the science of science, science policy, public outcomes and the advancement of the scientific enterprise, with a focus on the biomedical sciences.

Full Proposal Target Date
September 9, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant

Science of Science: Discovery, Communication and Impact (SoS:DCI) | PD 19-125Y

Supports research focused on advancing knowledge and theory on the social science of scientific discovery; theories, models and data improving our understanding of scientific communication; and how science advances evidence-based policymaking and public value.

Full Proposal Target Date
September 9, 2024
  • Additional upcoming deadlines
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (MFAI) | NSF 24-569

Supports research collaborations between mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, engineers and social behavior scientists to establish innovative and principled design and analysis approaches for AI technology.

Full Proposal Deadline:
October 10, 2024
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant

Incorporating Human Behavior in Epidemiological Models (IHBEM) | NSF 24-507

Supports interdisciplinary collaborations integrating research on behavioral and/or social processes in mathematical epidemiological models. The goal of this program is to minimize unintended outcomes of public health interventions in response to pandemics.

Posted November 7, 2023
Full Proposal Window
February 14, 2025
Proposal window February 1, 2025 - February 14, 2025
Standard Grant

Mid-Career Advancement (MCA) | NSF 22-603

Supports opportunities for scientists and engineers at the associate professor rank (or equivalent) to substantively enhance and advance their research program through synergistic partnerships.

Posted January 28, 2005
Full Proposal Window
March 3, 2025
Proposal window February 1, 2025 - March 3, 2025
Dear Colleague Letter

EArly-concept Grants for Exploratory Research on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Society - Supported Jointly with the Partnership on AI | NSF 19-018

Invites Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) proposals from teams of researchers in computer science and the social, behavioral and economic sciences focused on overcoming social challenges arising from AI technology.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Leveraging Cyberinfrastructure for Research Data Management (RDM) | NSF 24-085

Invites proposals for Early-Concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) and conference/workshop proposals that leverage cyberinfrastructure to advance research data management and public access.

See letter for details
Continuing Grant
Cooperative Agreement

2024 American National Election Study Competition (ANES) | NSF 21-601

Supports the evaluation and development of the best survey techniques for the 2024 American National Election Study, which provides “gold standard” data on voting, public opinion and political participation in U.S. national elections.

Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Joint NSF-JST Proposals to Advance Human-Centered Data for Disaster Resilience Research (HCDDRR) | NSF 23-089

Invites teams of U.S.-Japan researchers to submit proposals for advancing human-centered data and data-driven science and engineering for disaster resilience to either NSF or Japan Science and Technology Agency.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Catalyzing Human-Centered Solutions through Research and Innovation in Science, the Environment and Society | NSF 23-102

NSF invites proposals for interdisciplinary research to create evidence-based solutions that strengthen human resilience, security and quality of life by addressing seemingly intractable challenges that confront our society.

See letter for details
Supplemental Funding
Dear Colleague Letter

Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) Supplemental Funding for the NSF Future of Work at the Human Technology Frontier: Core Research Program | NSF 21-063

Dear Colleague: The NSF Future of Work at the Human Technology Frontier: Core Research Program (FW-HTF) announces that it will now participate in the support of supplements in the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) and Research Experiences for Teachers (RET)...
See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Science of Science Approach to Analyzing and Innovating the Biomedical Research Enterprise (SoS:BIO) | NSF 24-061

Encourages proposals for social science research to advance understanding of the biomedical research enterprise from discovery to impact.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Emerging Mathematical Tools applied to Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease | NSF 24-067

Encourages proposals that enhance our knowledge of pathogen transmission dynamics through novel technologies, such as remote sensing, precision treatment and mathematical or computational models, including artificial intelligence and machine learning.

See letter for details
Standard Grant
Continuing Grant
Dear Colleague Letter

Innovative Use of Scientific Collections (IUSC) | NSF 24-069

Encourages proposals that foster innovative and diverse uses of collections and/or associated digital data for novel research, education and training applications within and across STEM.

See letter for details