
What is NSF by the Numbers
Provides statistical and funding information for awards, NSF-funded institutions, funding rate, proposals evaluated, and obligations by fiscal year.
Credit: National Science Foundation
Numbers by State
Numbers by State includes Award, Proposal and Budget Data.
Credit: National Science Foundation
NSF by the Numbers - Trends
Yearly trend lines for Proposals Evaluated, New Awards Funded, Funded Institutions, and more.
Credit: National Science Foundation
NSF by the Numbers – Details
Details includes award information such as Award Duration, Institution, Obligation Amount and more by fiscal year.
Credit: National Science Foundation

Summary Metrics & Trendlines

Sample Tableau report with various NSF metrics

Credit: National Science Foundation

By selecting the summary metrics above the trend line (with the exception of Funding Rate and NSF Funded Institutions), the title and data of all views in the dashboard will be updated.

NOTE: Selecting Funding Rate or NSF Funded Institutions will not refresh the dashboard and will not update any metrics.


These trendlines show the overall NSF trend for each metric for fiscal years ranging from 2013 to 2022.


Selecting any filter in the dashboards, except for Fiscal Year, will update the trendlines according to the filter selected.

State Map

A US state map with varying shades of blue

Credit: National Science Foundation

MAP View has 2 filters:

  • Total / Per Capita – Per Capita shows the metric selected divided by the population for each state (in millions of people). Total shows the metric value with no further calculations. 
  • Map / Bar Graph – This filter enables the user to toggle between a map view (default) or a bar chart view.

USA map view shows the selected metric broken out by Quartiles, with the density of color representing higher metric values as indicated on the legend. Selecting Quartiles will highlight the states accordingly.

Clicking on any state map filters the entire dashboard to that state and opens a congressional district map for that state.


A horizontal bar chart

Credit: National Science Foundation

NSF Org view breaks down award funding by directorate within NSF. 

Clicking on any NSF Org name will filter the entire dashboard to that directorate values.


A horizontal bar chart

Credit: National Science Foundation

Institution view displays a breakdown of a selected metric by the institution. Institutions will be filtered further based on the selected state in the map or the selected NSF Org. Clicking on any institution name will filter the entire dashboard for the selected institution.