Explore Job Types at NSF

Communications/Public Affairs

Communications and Public Affairs employees perform duties that support the communications operations of the agency. Positions support communication to internal and external audiences.

Business Operations

Business Operations employees formulate and track budgets, examine and audit expenditures, maintain IT systems, provide legal support, administer grants and contracts, provide input on human capital issues, and offer support for business operational needs.

Program Administration

Program Administration employees are responsible for providing administrative support for the NSF core mission.

Senior Executive/Leadership

Executive and managerial employees lead and manage the NSF workforce. Positions include Assistant Directors, Office Heads, Deputy Assistant Directors, Division Directors, Deputy Division Directors and similar positions.


These positions are directly responsible for the delivery of the NSF core mission. Program Directors are the main position type in this category and serve as Engineers, Educators, Mathematicians, Physical Scientists, Biologists, and in similar areas of science.

Students and Recent Graduates

The Pathways Program is structured to recruit the next generation of the best and brightest to the federal workforce.

Programs for Veterans

The National Science Foundation (NSF) maintains a diverse workforce, which includes the hiring of veterans through programs sponsored by the federal government and NSF.