Collage of broadening participation images
Broadening Participation in STEM



NSF has taken a variety of budgetary approaches to broaden participation across its many programs. Investments range from capacity building, research centers, partnerships and alliances to the use of co-funding or supplements to existing awards in the core research programs.

Each year, NSF provides two documents that demonstrate its funding of broadening participation activities:

NSF's annual funding data for these documents are provided in the sections below.

Programs to broaden participation: Budget summaries


Since Fiscal Year 2014, NSF's annual broadening participation summary table has been developed using the three categories and calculations described below.

  1. Focused programs have broadening participation as an explicit goal of the program. In the budget table, these programs are listed at 100% of their funding.
  2. Emphasis programs have broadening participation as one of several emphases, but not as an explicit goal of the program. In the budget table, these programs are included at a percentage of their funding level, equaling the 3-year average percentage of a program's award portfolio that meets one or more of the following criteria:
    • Award was to a minority-serving institution.
    • Award had at least 50% of its principal investigators from an underrepresented group.
    • Award had at least 50% of the students or postdoctoral researchers supported by the grant reporting themselves as members of an underrepresented group on project reports.
  3. NSF's geographic diversity program, the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), has geographic diversity as an explicit goal of the program. In the budget table, this program is listed at 100% of its funding.
NSF Funding for Focused and Geographic Diversity Programs to Broaden Participation in STEM, FY 2014 - FY 2023

Credit: U.S. National Science Foundation

Minority-serving institutions reports


Scientists and educators at minority-serving institutions, or MSIs, are crucial to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics enterprise. NSF has many programs designed to support researchers at MSIs and broaden participation of outstanding researchers from across a diverse group of regions, institutions and demographic groups. In addition to core research programs, NSF offers numerous funding opportunities that specifically support faculty members, researchers and educators at MSIs.

These reports are prepared annually in accordance with P.L. 107-368, Section 18.

NSF Funding to All Categories of Minority-Serving Institutions, FY 2014 - FY 2023

Credit: U.S. National Science Foundation


NSF Annual Report to Congress on Funding of Minority-Serving Institutions

(retrospective funding data by Fiscal Year)

Contact information

For further information concerning NSF's Broadening Participation programs, please contact:

Dr. Alicia J. Knoedler
NSF Executive Liaison for Broadening Participation in STEM
U.S. National Science Foundation

Phone: 703-292-4717
Email[email protected]